Sunday, January 25, 2009

Expensive Designer Clothes Sarah Palin Wore Trashed

The beautiful and very expensive designer suits, jackets and skirts, that GOP Vice-Presidential candidate Sarah Palin wore, are now tied up in trash bags! According to sources, they are languishing at the RNC headquarters in Washington DC. The original price for the fancy duds were between $150 - $180 thousand dollars.

With the downturn in the economy - these same clothes probably could be purchased for half the price, based on recent designer fashion sales. I have no idea why these clothes were not sold at auction, to at least recoup some of the original purchase price. I love the sexy red power suit and the boots pictured.

Fashionistas everywhere, are wondering why this uncouth couture storage act, was done on such beautiful garments. This is much worse than using wire hangers.

Update: Palin's Shoes Sell For Over $2000

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